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If you would like to participate in the study please fill out the form below and you will be emailed if chosen (we need 100 students for the study and it is free). We are asking for a three month commitment over 12 weeks to use The Flash Method and to answer the questionnaire at the end of each week that we send in the email and a spelling test to be given at the end of the week and then if you would share how many words your student spelled correctly and how many words were read correctly from the weekly sentence.


The time commitment is 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the afternoon/evening time to practice the words with the video and have your student write the words. Then about 10 minutes to give a spelling test and fill out the questionnaire.


We are looking to prove that this method works to help students that have difficulty reading, spelling, and with phonics, do all of these things more efficiently after using for 12 weeks. We have had great success in the past and feel that this is a great opportunity for your student! Thank you for taking the time to fill this out and feel free use the contact page if you have any questions.

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